Solar Battery Storage

Ensure Uninterrupted Power

In Alice Springs, trust the experts at Photon Solar to secure your home or business with reliable Uninterruptible Power Supplies (UPS) and battery storage solutions. These failsafe sources of power provide emergency electricity during outages, ensuring continuous functionality and minimising downtime.

With UPS and battery storage, you can finish tasks uninterrupted, even during blackouts. Plus, you’ll have ample time to prepare for extended outages, knowing your backup power sources have got you covered. Battery storage also enables you to harness excess solar energy for later use, providing a sustainable and efficient solution for off-grid living.

Why you should install a battery

Alice Springs boasts an impressive 3,200 hours of sunshine annually, making it an ideal location for solar power. However, night time energy usage can be a challenge. Solar batteries are the solution, and now is the perfect time to install one. Here’s why:

Maximise Savings: Store excess solar energy during the day and use it at night, reducing your reliance on the grid and potentially expensive peak hour rates.

Reliable Backup: Power outages are a concern in any region. A solar battery ensures your lights stay on and essential appliances keep running during unexpected cuts.

Energy Independence: Break free from grid reliance, especially with rising electricity prices. Generate, store, and use your own clean energy.

By taking advantage of Alice Springs’ ample sunshine, a solar battery allows you to store the sun’s power and use it whenever you need it, making your home more resilient, eco-friendly, and cost-effective.